Types of sausage

Sausage is a common meat product and there are many different kinds. Here are some common types of sausage:
German sausage: Germany is one of the representatives of sausage culture, German sausage is usually pork as the main raw material, soft taste, delicious. Common German sausages include Bratwurst, Frankfurter and Bockwurst.
Italian sausages: Italy is also an important country in sausage making, and Italian sausages are usually made from pork, beef or a mix of meats, with spices and seasonings. Common Italian sausages include Salami, Hot Dog, Pepperoni, etc.
Polish sausage: Polish sausage is a mixed meat product, usually made from a mixture of pork and beef, which has a rich flavor and texture. Common Polish sausages include Kielbasa and Polish Sausage.
Chorizo: Spanish sausage culture is very rich, chorizo usually uses pork and beef, after a special curing and curing process, so that it has a unique flavor. Common Chorizo are Parmesan sausage (Chorizo), Salchichon, etc.
American Sausage: The United States also has a variety of Sausage types, common American sausage including Hot Dog (Sausage), sausage (sausage) and Italian sausage (Italian Sausage). American sausages are usually made from pork with different spices and seasonings. In addition to the above mentioned, there are many other types of sausages from different regions and cultures, with their own unique characteristics and tastes. No matter what kind of sausage, the selection of high-quality raw materials, reasonable processing technology and correct cooking methods can make the taste and taste of the sausage get the maximum play.
Bratwurst: A German sausage, usually made from pork, beef, or veal. It is seasoned with spices such as nutmeg, ginger or coriander and is usually grilled or pan-fried. Sausage: A spicy sausage traditionally associated with Spanish and Mexican cuisine. It takes pork as raw material, adding chili powder, garlic, chili powder and other spices to taste, can be dry salted or cooked. Salami: There are different regional varieties of this sausage, such as sweet or light salami and hot salami. It is usually made from pork, seasoned with fennel seeds and used in dishes such as pasta, sandwiches or pizza.
Andouille: A smoked sausage from Louisiana, USA, often used in Creole and Cajun cuisine. It is made from pork and seasoned with spices, garlic and Onions.
Merguez: A North African sausage made from lamb or beef and seasoned with spices such as cumin, coriander and chili. It is often grilled or used in tagine and couscous.
Kielbasa: A Polish sausage that can be made from pork, beef, or a combination of meats. It is usually smoked and seasoned with garlic, marjoram and other spices.
These are just a few examples, and there are many regional and cultural differences in global sausage. The best way to really tell them apart is to explore and experience the different types of sausages for yourself!



Post time: Aug-14-2023